Quality Assurance

Information About Quality Assurance Systems

Quality is an essential ingredient in building successful General Contracting Services. Our potential clients have assurance that the products/finishes will be of high quality. It is vital part of the business strategy.

A well developed and implemented quality assurance system includes:

  • Improving the execution and service quality.
  • Giving our clients confidence that their needs will be met.
  • Standardize our business by giving it a consistent approach in its operations.
  • Improve the work processes, efficiencies, morale and reduce wastages.

The benefits our businesses derive from a properly implemented quality assurance system are:

  •  Improving client satisfaction.
  •  Improving efficiency.
  •  Improving effectiveness.
  •  Reducing rework and waste.
  •  Building a well-planned business.
  •  Adding credibility to the business.


Quality Assurance Audits

When we have finished implementing our quality assurance system plan which complies with the quality standard, then it is time to organize for our certification assessment. This is when another party audits our quality manual and quality procedures to make sure that we comply with the standard quality norms. They also audit our business operations to make sure that your business is following the proper quality procedures.

Quality assurance certification is important for the following reasons:

  • It provides us with confidence that our quality system is correctly implemented to the ISO 9001 standard
  • It provides our customers with the same confidence
  • The regular audits give our staff motivation to keep the quality assurance system up to date and not to cut corners.

For the certificate to have real value, people must have confidence that only businesses with processes that comply with the quality standard can receive the certificate. Thus, the audit process needs to be very thorough. Typically the auditor would come out to our business and spend the best part of a day going through our quality procedures, watching our staff and checking records of previous jobs, training records, inspection records, internal audit records, etc. We ensure that all of these records are available and up to date before the audit.

Get in touch

305-309, 3rd Floor, Blue Ski Commerce Square, Bamroli Road, Udhna, Magdala Road, Surat-395007, Gujarat, India
Tel : +91 261 / 4001300 / 2300
Email Id : info@monaarc.com
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